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Anthony Khoury


Besides the Lord, my family is my greatest joy. My wife and I have 3 wonderful children. We love the outdoors and some of our fondest memories are those we have made while camping or on a road trip. I have also had the joy of seeing my wife and child come to salvation and had the honor of baptizing them as well. 


God called me to Himself at the age of 13 through the testimony of my aunt. However, almost as quickly as I was wrapped up in the message of the gospel, I began to drift. Partying and rebelliousness followed and at the age of 17 I discovered that my girlfriend was pregnant. I remember sitting on a park bench and asking my girlfriend (now wife) to get an abortion and although she was not yet a Christian, God used her refusal of my request to break me. Through tears and repentance at my sinfulness and rebellion, God again restored me to Himself. By His grace my life has been drawn closer and closer to Him over the past decade. 

I began attending MVCC in 2014 and have served in several capacities. I am currently co-leading a Monday night men’s accountability life group, leading a small group in the Married-Life ministry, and I volunteer on the worship/media team. 


One of the areas that I find most rewarding about MVCC is its culture, it is truly a place to belong. I have been abundantly blessed by the leadership and teaching which has helped me grow in my faith and discipline tremendously. Any questions or challenges that I have ever had have always been met with love, a desire for growth and transparency. Maybe most powerful has been the lifelong friends and mentors that have so generously poured in to my life and helped me to develop not only my theology but also a heart for people.


I have a desire to be obedient to the call that I believe God has placed on my life and to make an impact on those around me for the cause of the gospel. I long to be a part of helping people find their greatest joy in Jesus, and to live lives that make much of Him. I believe that membership on the Elder board is a powerful way in which I can serve and love our congregation and help to meet the needs of our church and the community of Ramona. 

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