Harvest Festival!
Game List- Choose a game that sounds interesting to you and we can schedule you for a slot!
Click on any name to sign up!
PLINKO (Easy Game) - There are three pegged boards the children choose from. They drop a plastic coin from the top and it falls into a numbered slot. The number it lands in is the number of pieces of candy they receive.
SODA RING TOSS (Medium difficulty) - There are weighted plastic soda bottles staged on a table. The kids throw rings as to try and land them on the top of a bottle. Each child gets three throws, they are warded on piece per successfully ringed soda bottle.
PONG TOSS (Difficult) - There are cups glued to a board and angled on a table. The children bounce a ping pong ball in hopes of it landing in one of the cups on the board. They are given three attempts and are awarded a candy per cup they make it in. * This game requires a lot of ball fetching
PUMPKIN CAN TOSS (Medium difficulty) - Four large coffee cans decorated as pumpkins are lined up on a table. The children are given three chances to try and land a bean bag in one of the cans. They are awarded candy for each can they make a bean bag into.
AIRPLANE- (Difficult)- We have a sky painted target with a easy, medium and difficult option. The children fold and create their own paper airplane. ( templates provided) and then take flight and throw their plane into the perspective targets. (Easy 1 candy, Medium 2 candies and difficult 3 candies.) * This booth requires someone to help with folding the airplanes and another to run the target practice element.
DUCK POND- (Easy Game) Our duck pond is a favorite among the little ones. We have a small pool filled with water and is filled with plastic rubber ducks. The kiddos simply pick a duck and the prize listed on the bottom is what they receive.
DART BOARD- (Medium difficulty) Our free standing dart board is covered in small balloons. Children get three attempts to hit and pop a balloon. Only one needs to pop for a prize, if they get it in the first try they get 3 candies, 2nd try 2 candies, 3rd try 1 candy * this booth requires resetting more balloons and possibly blowing up balloons as we run low, and retrieving darts.
MONSTER BOWLING- (Easy Game) Our fun monster painted bowling pins are lined up at the end f the lane and children are given three shots to try and knock them all down. Strike 3 candies, spare 2 candies and if they simply knock down a pin they get a candy.
CUP STACK CHALLENGE- (Easy Game) The children race to pyramid stack and unstack 15 cups. It’s a fun game and your main job is to cheer them on.
JUMPY ZONE (Easy Peasy)- We simply need adult chaperones to make sure kids are abiding by jumpy rules to keep them safe. Most parents are supervising their kids but we always have those few who are not. Your job is to make sure kids have their shoes off, no food or drinks, no sharp and pointy items on their costumes and that only 5 are in the jumpy at a time. After 5 minutes we rotate out new jumpers. We have 3 different jumps for the evening.
GO FISH- ( Easy Game) One person hides behind the “ fish tank” that we create, with a bucket of candy and prizes. The children throw their fishing line over and you put a couple treats of the line for the to “ catch.” Super easy and the kids love it.
CORN HOLE- (Medium difficulty) two challengers compete for the most points. They are given three bean bags. Each bean bag that makes it on the board is worth 1 point, in the hole is worth three. Winner receives 3 pieces of candy, runner up receives one.
LADDER BALL- (Medium difficulty) two challengers compete for the most points. They are given three roped and weighted balls. Top tier is worth 3 points, middle tier is 2 and bottom tier is one. Winner receives 3 pieces of candy, runner up receives one.
COOKIE FACE- ( Easy Peasy) This game is super easy and fun, we just need people excited and ready to cheer on the contestants. Game show style 5 challengers sit on the chairs provided. They are given a cookie to place on their forehead. ONLY using the muscles in the face ( no hands) they have to try and move the cookie from their forehead to their mouth. First person to succeed wins!
TARGET SHOT- ( Medium difficulty) We have hinged targets on a platform. The children are given 3 bean bags to try and knock down as many targets as they can. They get a piece of candy for each successful hit. * This booth requires the resetting of the targets and collecting bean bags.
POTATO SAC RELAY- This game is super easy and fun, we just need people excited and ready to cheer on the contestants. Game show style 2-4 challengers are given a potato sac to step into. They are set at the end of the lane and race, by hopping, to toe end of the race strip. First person to succeed wins!