Mark Seits
I have been married to my beautiful wife, Mary, since 1981. We have 5 amazing kids - 3 girls and 2 boys. Our oldest daughter, Brittany, finished her Master’s Degree in Bassoon Performance at USC and is currently pursuing a career in the music industry. She is married to a wonderful man, Mike, who is also pursuing a music career (trumpet). Our second daughter, Hannah, is wrapping up a Masters Degree in Speech Pathology and wants to work with special needs kids. Our oldest son, Jered, is working towards becoming a fireman. Our second son, Blake, is playing basketball in college and is looking forward to a career in sports management. Our "baby", Grace, is currently a senior at RHS and will be leaving us next year to play beach volleyball at LSU. She wants to pursue a career in physical or occupational therapy.
My family and I moved to Ramona in 2006 and have fully adapted to the ‘R Town’ lifestyle. All of our children have been active in local sports. I enjoyed coaching them in soccer, baseball and basketball. Unfortunately, those days are behind me now, but I am learning to enjoy my new role as "cheerleader."
I am a Civil Engineer, specializing in flood control and water resources engineering. I love playing golf, basketball and softball and am looking forward to my future retirement when I can make these true hobbies. Mary is the Executive Director of a professional non-profit organization, where I also serve on the Board of Directors, which gives us a lot to talk about over the dinner table. In addition to taking care of our family, her passions are books and finding "amazing deals" at Goodwill.
I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in 1989. My family has been attending MVCC since 2007 and became official members in 2012. I am currently serving as Chair of the Elder Board, as well as being part of the Teaching Team in the Thursday morning Men’s Study. I have served in numerous leadership roles in other churches, including Men’s Ministry Leader and Head Usher.
I love using my leadership and administrative gifts to continue to help the body of Christ at MVCC, as well as all of Ramona and beyond, become a Community of Christ-followers who live and love like Jesus.