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Hello! My name is Johnathan Villagrana and I am so excited to be at Mountain View Community Church working in the Music Ministry department. I have been in Ramona since 2006 and went to OPMS, RHS and then left Ramona in 2010 to pursue, and receive, a degree in music education at Azusa Pacific University in Los Angeles, CA. While I was in college I joined the United States Army Reserves and served 4 years as an enlisted soldier. After I graduated through the Reserve Officers training Corp I was promoted to become an officer and am currently serving as a transportation officer out of Los angeles, CA once a month. Me and my wife Alyssa are both currently living in Ramona and excited to get to know you all!


After I had graduated I worked as a private music instructor for  5 years teaching everything from Trumpet, Trombone, Clarinet, Flute, Voice, Guitar, Piano and eight other instruments. I love teaching and using my abilities in music to serve and reach for the Lord. While living in Los Angeles I was able to serve at a First Baptist Church in Claremont, CA, as the Music Director and worship leader. I am still currently teaching and would love to meet with anyone in our congregation who would like to pursue a dream of playing or singing!


I look forward to growing and serving with you all for as long as God has me in this wonderful community! If you would like to meet up please feel free to contact me through the front office and we can find a time to sit and talk!




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